DIY Flat Tummy Tea: All Tea, No Shade, No Bloating.


No, this is not the tea that all the Instagram models are posted up with in their pics. It’s something natural, something cheap, and something that works. I drank it for a few days and I noticed significant changes, from no bloating, no cramps during my TOTM and energy boost and to a suppressed appetite. It’s super easy and all the ingredients are super affordable.


Green Tea

Apple Cider Vinegar (With The Mother)



Aloe Vera Water (optional)

Lemon or Lemon Juice

As for my measurements, I use two tablespoons for ACV, two bags of green tea, a small piece of ginger, and I eyeball the honey or to taste. Warning, the ginger and ACV taste might be potent, but I promise you these two agents works together and do wonders to the body as well as the digestive track.

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