DIY Flat Tummy Tea: All Tea, No Shade, No Bloating.


No, this is not the tea that all the Instagram models are posted up with in their pics. It’s something natural, something cheap, and something that works. I drank it for a few days and I noticed significant changes, from no bloating, no cramps during my TOTM and energy boost and to a suppressed appetite. It’s super easy and all the ingredients are super affordable.


Green Tea

Apple Cider Vinegar (With The Mother)



Aloe Vera Water (optional)

Lemon or Lemon Juice

As for my measurements, I use two tablespoons for ACV, two bags of green tea, a small piece of ginger, and I eyeball the honey or to taste. Warning, the ginger and ACV taste might be potent, but I promise you these two agents works together and do wonders to the body as well as the digestive track.

For Those Who Are Grieving



There are times when there are too few words left to heal us, when what we wish for is to be carried, when all we have left is the hope that tomorrow will be a more gentle place to land than today. Perhaps there are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy. To know someone meant the world to you and they are gone is to know that you will forever have someone watching your back until you met again.

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30 Day: 0Flat Tummy Challenge



Here’s a challenge I created to help tone those tummies. Spring Break and Summer will be here before you know it and it’s time to show those bikini bodies. Challenge yourself and complete each exercise  Complete each of the listed exercises as a circuit. Each day the number of reps for each exercise will go up.

For Example: Day 1: I will do, 20 toe touches, 20 side sit-ups (on each side), 20 Russian Twists, 20 Cross Crunches (on each side), 20 Flutter Kicks And 20 Standard Crunches. Submit your videos to me and I’ll feature them on my Instagram/Blog.

Change Around You


This quote proved to be very true when I started my weight loss journey. I’ve lost two “friends” in the process of me bettering myself. Remember, it is okay to outgrow people. It is normal when dealing with personal growth while others remain stagnant. Be sure to follow, Touch Motivate Inspire to to get an insightful word whenever in doubt.


“Understand that people change and sometimes they’re no longer compatible with our lives. We just have to learn to accept it and move on.” -Jomari Consuelo

Since I begin my college process I’ve notice people I use to hang with are no longer around. Why do “friends” (i purposely put it in quotations) feel you must be on their level or they feel they can ride your success. Let me be the one to tell you real friends, no matter the status of their lives or yours, will always be there for you. One another aspect we may outgrow people. If someone just refuses to grow and mature then it’s time to let them go and move on.

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Lifestyle Changes



About a year ago I made the decision to live a healthier lifestyle. I was not pleased with my appearance, weight and overall mental and physical health. I began to exercise lightly, changed my diet slightly, and I even joined a gym. I managed to lose weight but it wasn’t enough. The problem was that I wasn’t consistent. Summer 2014 I decided to attend a bootcamp ran by two UWG students on campus. It was then that I began to become consistent once I had a support group behind me. That same group of women would soon become an on campus organization called ShapeHer. Continue reading